it's 4% of Steams User base, which is a lot Additionally we also finally announce API Keys that will allow you to get accounts without any captcha, you can type /request in private messages to and we will review your request. We managed to hit 5 Million accounts! All of this would not be possible without you all, thank you for helping our service. We don't track, use or give out your account more than once! Be sure to spread the word if you like our service! Instantly make new accounts for rage hacking! Have fun!

Be sure to try out (run /stats)! Also, the statistics graph is updated every minute on our website! Servers are being set up with sophisticated methods to bypass steam rate limits/email ban methods, this system allows us to generate an average of 100,000 new accs per day! Once you take an account, it's yours forever. 2 Million accounts Milestone! We have also reached over 1 thousand subscribers on this channel with thousands of accounts being taken every day from our website! We would like to take a moment to thank all of our users for using our service, this wouldn't be possible without you all! We generated 2 Million accounts in merely 15 days! Being transparent is a key factor of our mission, hence we are releasing a statistics bot, which gives details about accounts generated and taken.