
Indonime one poece the movie strong world 480
Indonime one poece the movie strong world 480

  • Cue the Sun: After Shiki's defeat at the hands of Luffy, the sun rises.
  • Covert Distress Code: It's revealed in the end that Nami hid a call for help at the end of her resignation letter.
  • Colourful Theme Naming: Shiki's main crewmembers all have a color in their name: Shiki the Golden Lion, Dr.
  • His final attack that defeats Shiki incorporates lightning.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Viewers are reminded earlier on in the movie that Luffy is immune to electricity.
  • At the end of the film, there are some silly antics by Luffy, Usopp and Nami regarding the same tone dial.
  • Book Ends: Chronologically, the Straw Hats' adventure began when they received a tone dial from Shiki.
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    The trope is pretty common in One Piece, but uniquely, the trio seem to be doing it deliberately. Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Shiki, Indigo, and Scarlet engage in this.Bland-Name Product: Franky ride a motorcycle made of lobster he named Zari Davidson.There, the separated Straw Hats find themselves in a battle for survival with terrifying beasts. After abducting Nami for her navigational skills, Shiki sends Luffy and the rest of the crew hurling down to his personal flying islands.

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    The Straw Hats receive news that their hometowns in East Blue are in trouble and decide to put off adventuring to go help out, only to meet a mysterious flying pirate ship, led by the infamous pirate Golden Lion Shiki, the same pirate who managed to escape the inescapable undersea prison Impel Down and stands among Gold Roger and Whitebeard.

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    As the movie was made in celebration of the franchise's tenth anniversary, Toei personally asked Oda to write the script. One Piece Film: Strong World is One Piece's tenth movie, written by Eiichiro Oda himself, making it the first Film label note the Film label marks the heavy involvement of the series' author Eichiro Oda in the movie production more closely than any other movie prior and after, usually through direct script writing, setting and character creation.

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